How I Deployed My Django Application to Render and Solved Deployment Issues

How I Deployed My Django Application to Render and Solved Deployment Issues

Recently, I faced the challenge of deploying my Django application to Render. Initially, I encountered several hurdles, but with persistence and some tweaks, I managed to get it up and running smoothly. Here’s a step-by-step recount of my experience, which might help others facing similar issues. Plus, I'm thrilled to start my HNG internship, where I plan to apply these skills and learn even more!

Preparing My Django Project for Deployment

Installing Required Packages

First, I ensured my project had all the necessary packages for deployment listed in my requirements.txt file. These included:

  • Django

  • gunicorn (WSGI HTTP Server)

  • whitenoise (for serving static files)

To generate the requirements.txt file, I ran:

bashCopy codepip freeze > requirements.txt

Configuring for Production

Next, I updated my file to handle production settings:

  • Allowed Hosts:

      pythonCopy codeALLOWED_HOSTS = ['']
  • Static Files:

      pythonCopy codeSTATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles')
  • Whitenoise Middleware: I added whitenoise.middleware.WhiteNoiseMiddleware to the MIDDLEWARE setting:

      pythonCopy codeMIDDLEWARE = [

Creating a Render Account and New Web Service

I went to Render and created an account. From the dashboard, I clicked on the "New" button and selected "Web Service".

Connecting My Repository

Render supports GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. I selected my repository where my Django project was hosted and chose the branch I wanted to deploy from.

Configuring Render Deployment Settings

Environment: I chose the runtime environment. For Django, this is typically a Python environment.

Build Command: I set the build command to install my dependencies:

bashCopy codepip install -r requirements.txt

Start Command: I set the start command to run my application with Gunicorn:

bashCopy codegunicorn my_project_name.wsgi:application

Setting Up Environment Variables

I added necessary environment variables, such as DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE, SECRET_KEY, DATABASE_URL, etc.

Deploying the Application

Render automatically deployed my application based on the settings I configured. I monitored the build and deployment process through the Render dashboard, and it was exciting to see it go live!

Configuring the Database (Optional)

I was using PostgreSQL, so I configured it similarly:

  1. Added a new database from the Render dashboard.

  2. Updated my with the database configuration:

     pythonCopy codeDATABASES = {
         'default': {
             'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
             'NAME': 'my-database-name',
             'USER': 'my-database-user',
             'PASSWORD': 'my-database-password',
             'HOST': 'my-database-host',
             'PORT': 'my-database-port',

Example for Production

Here's how my looked after the changes:

pythonCopy codeimport os
import dj_database_url

SECRET_KEY = os.getenv('SECRET_KEY', 'my-secret-key')

DEBUG = False




    'default': dj_database_url.config(

STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles')


# Additional configurations...


  • Logs: I checked the logs on the Render dashboard whenever the deployment failed.

  • Debugging: I ensured all environment variables were correctly set.

  • Static Files: I made sure collectstatic was running and STATIC_ROOT was correctly set.

By following these steps, I was able to deploy my Django application to Render successfully. The process taught me a lot about handling deployment issues, and now I feel more confident in deploying future projects.

As I embark on my HNG internship, I'm excited to apply these skills and continue growing as a developer.
Happy deploying